This in Dubai is to understand round! Dubai's tourism advice ...

[Middle East Visiting 0] [] UAE (Dubai) Customs visit | intellectual ... Dubai and is, that of the city of Dubai Emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates (UAE). That is the international, Dubai is not a country. In the Middle East, which lined with high-rise apartments and huge mall is the center of Middle East Financial's the leading global cities. Time difference arrive in one way about time 0 minutes from Japan is about about time. I think you luck is somehow imagine you because summer is hot as hell Speaking of Dubai. Dubai is is a year-round mild climate, it can be roughly divided into split the season in the summer (around October from the month) and winter (around May from the month). Medium temperature day of summer is also possible to rise above 0 degrees, the humidity will also be very high. Winter is the temperature to be able to spend even in our Japanese in about 0 to 0 degrees. Summer would be hard to go out in the heat too. Tourism best season, would say that until the second half of October - first half of the month around. The precipitation is you do not have to worry about the rain up there because relatively few.